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User Guide
Getting Started
How do I sign up for GreatNonprofits?
What are the benefits of signing up an account?
I forgot my password. How do I reset it?
How do I change my password?
How can I change my username?
See all 11 articles
Donation Related
How do I make a donation through GreatNonprofits?
How does my donation get to the charity?
How would I know if the nonprofit already received my donation?
How long does it take for a charity to receive my donation that I make through GreatNonprofits?
Are there fees to making a donation through GreatNonprofits?
See all 20 articles
Reviews Related
How do I write a review?
Help, I am unable to post a review!
How do I edit my review?
How do I delete my review?
How do I remove a photo or video I posted with my review?
See all 10 articles
Navigating GreatNonprofits
I am in need of support and donations. Can you help me?
How can I know if a nonprofit's tax exempt status has been revoked?
How do I find local nonprofits?
How do I contact a nonprofit?
Do you provide or sell a list of nonprofits within a city or region in downloadable form?
Volunteering Related
How do I find volunteer opportunities?
Nonprofit Guide
Nonprofit Profile
I am already listed on GreatNonprofits. How did this happen and what does it mean?
Does it cost anything to be listed on your site?
Our nonprofit is not listed, how do we add a profile?
How do I claim our nonprofit profile?
What are the benefits of claiming my nonprofit profile?
See all 24 articles
Donation Related
How can I access our donation reports?
Why is my nonprofit listed on GreatNonprofits and why is there a Donate button on my nonprofit profile?
How does my nonprofit receive donations made through GreatNonprofits?
What should we do if we did not receive our check?
Does my nonprofit receive the same amount reported in the donations report?
See all 12 articles
Reviews Related
Can I encourage people who know our nonprofit to write a review?
Why should I invite people to review my nonprofit?
Do you have templates I could use to invite reviews?
Will you take down a negative review that is posted about my nonprofit?
How can I respond to reviews?
See all 12 articles
GreatNonprofits Top-Rated Awards
Top-Rated Awards
How to qualify for the 2025 Top-Rated Awards?
How do we know if we already qualified or how many more reviews we need to qualify?
Where can we get the 2025 Top-Rated Nonprofit badge and certificate? We already qualified.
Can you send a high-res version of the GreatNonprofits Top-Rated Nonprofit badge?
GreatNonprofits Fundraisers
Creating Fundraisers
How do GreatNonprofits Fundraisers work?
Can I create a fundraiser for any organization on the GreatNonprofits site?
How do I start a GreatNonprofits Fundraiser?
How do I invite people to donate to a GreatNonprofits fundraiser?
How do I track the status of my fundraiser?
See all 10 articles
Donation Related
Are donations on GreatNonprofits tax deductible?
Will the nonprofit that I donate to receive my information?
How do I get a receipt for my donation?
Are there fees for donations made on GreatNonprofits?
How does GreatNonprofits use tips?
General Questions
What is GreatNonprofits?
Who writes the reviews?
How do you promote this information to prospective donors and volunteers?
How does this fit with other data about a nonprofit?
What is your scaling strategy? How do you reach nonprofits?
See all 9 articles
How do I report a bug or site problem?
Why do you only perform customer service via email?
Products and Services
How do I advertise on GreatNonprofits?
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