Donations are made to PayPal Giving Fund, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are subject to PayPal Giving Fund’s policies and terms of service for donors. PayPal Giving Fund receives the donation, which is typically tax deductible, net of payment processing fees of 1.99% + $0.49. GreatNonprofits does not profit from these charges, and the total fees are among the lowest donation processing fees for similar services. PayPal Giving Fund typically grants funds to chosen charities within 15-45 days.
To access the donations report:
- Make sure you have already claimed your nonprofit profile
- Log in to
- Scroll over "Hello, [screen name]" on the right-hand side of the page
- Click "Manage My Nonprofit"
- Click the "Donations" link on the top navigation bar
From there, you'll see the details about the donations and also be able to export the report in CSV file.
Note: Only the donation activities within the current year are shown by default. You can view additional donation history by changing the range in the dropdown menu above the report.